In theory it is possible to represent yourself in an employment tribunal without suffering a disadvantage however in many cases, the lack of legal representation can mean that your claim is either under settled or not accurately presented. A tribunal judge will take reasonable steps to address any imbalance if you are unrepresented however in practice there are very definite limits to the assistance a tribunal judge can offer meaning that there is a real possibility that litigants in person can be left significantly worse off than their represented opponents.

Due to the cost of legal representation, a lot of litigants who have been wronged and suffered a detriment in the workplace have no alternative than to represent themselves at Tribunal. Unfortunately, it is usually the Claimants who are usually unrepresented, because an employer / business will benefit the financial security of being able to afford upfront legal representation. In many cases, an employer will also have insurance cover which means that legal representation is paid for by their business insurance. At Matt Rowland solicitors we believe that all parties should have access to legal representation and depending on the facts of your case, we can offer a no-win no-fee agreement


All individuals who want to bring a claim in the Employment Tribunal need to file a notice with ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) before their claim can proceed. Tribunal claims will not be accepted where the prospective claimant has not already contacted ACAS.

The aim of the process is to encourage settlement between the parties at an early stage to avoid tribunal proceedings. Whether you are an employer who has been contacted by ACAS or whether you are an employee seeking to start your claim, we can advise, represent and negotiate on your behalf prior to bringing to the submission of an ET1 claim form.  


Time Limits

There are strict time limits for filing an ACAS Early Conciliation notice and an Employment Tribunal claim. For example, the time limit for filing an ACAS Early Conciliation notice for an unfair dismissal claim is three months less a day from the effective date of termination. For a discrimination claim, the time limit generally is three months less a day from the date of the act or omission complained of.

If you require legal representation contact our expert Employment solicitors and take advantage of our free 30 minute no obligation consultation.  



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BOLTON OFFICE TEL 2: 01204 350 804


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